// Cooling fittings armature filters copper pipes insulations capillaries
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Cooling Fittings

We offer a complete range of refrigeration fittings components from many renowned manufacturers, including Danfoss, Honeywell, Socla, GAR, Alco Controls, Nara Controls, CFI, DE.NA, ESK Schultze, Isoclima, L’Isolante K-Flex, Mobius, Friges, Feinrohren, Fomexline and others.

We offer:

  • copper pipes – inch and metric
  • covered copper pipes
  • capillaries, capillary connections
  • insulations – lagging, insulation mats, self-adhesive insulating tapes
  • filter driers and filter parts (cartridges, casings etc.)
  • copper fittings – bends, tees, reducers, couplings etc.
  • liquid separators
  • oil separators
  • vibration absorbers – flexible pipes, muffins
  • moisture indicators
  • oil receivers
  • threaded fittings – straight, angled, T-pieces and cross-pieces, nuts, washers and plugs
  • couplings and service valves

Danfoss - sprężarki agregaty automatyka chłodnicza - logo
Honeywell - czynniki chłodnicze automatyka armatura - logo
GAR - odolejacze odwadniacze armatura chłodnicza - logo
Socla - zawory armatura chłodnicza przemysłowa - logo
DENA - filtry odwadniacze - logo
Nara Controls - armatura chłodnicza - logo
Emerson - Alco Controls - automatyka i armatura chłodnicza - logo
Isoclima - rury miedziane chłodnicze - logo
CFI - armatura chłodnicza - logo
ESK Schultze - armatura chłodnicza - logo
Feinrohren - rury miedziane dla chłodnictwa - logo
L'Isolante K-Flex - otuliny taśmy kleje - logo
OLAB - zawory elektromagnetyczne - logo

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