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  • Mastercool Spartan manifolds promotion

    Mastercool Spartan manifolds promotion

    Mastercool SPARTAN series electronic manifolds are now available at lower prices! The manifolds are equipped with Bluetooth® wireless connectivity and a 4.3″ color touch screen. They display pressure, vacuum value, temperature and automatically calculate superheat and subcooling. They offer data logging and additional features such as timers for leak tests and alarms. When connected to […]

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  • Mounting bracket for split air-conditioners Mightty Bracket - sale

    Mighty Bracket

    The Mighty Bracket is a unique bracket to facilitate the installation of indoor split air conditioner units. It allows for convenient installation of the air conditioner by one person. Now Mighty Bracket is available at a new, lower price of PLN 555.00. You can hook Mighty Bracket onto mini-split mounting plate to hold mini-split unit […]

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